Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Summertime Berries!

Hello All!

WOW! It has been a busy day at my house today. This morning at the crack of dawn my husband and I headed out to pick strawberries. Best to get their early before the sun roasts you and the swarm of people arrive. We picked 19 Quarts of berries in about 45 minutes. Came home and started the process of cleaning, slicing and making homemade strawberry jam. Oh, my goodness it is the best stuff ever! I made 40 jars of jam (so far) and still have 13 quarts of berries left-AUGH!!!!!!!

I have cut some for shortcake, cuz really now it is not summer without a fresh made strawberry shortcake :)

I sent some home with some frineds that stopped by today, and I now have 10 quarts left to make up tomarrow for more jam.

As all of my berries were sitting on the table I was inspired. The little green vintage baskets would make the great holders for some bits and bobs for ATC's!

So after the day was finished I went to the craft room, took a few baskets and strated creating.

I have enclosed a picture of "the fruits of my labor" and my inspirations!

Have a Great Day!
You can find them on ETsy in my store

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Missing in Action

Hello Dear Friends!
I am sure many of you had wondered where I had wondered off to. Well lets just say the month of May was filled to the brim with activities! I was susposed to be done working on May 22nd. I was able to get another four weeks of work giving to me by my boss (which was great because my husband is now un-employed due to Michigan's horrible economy) so I snatched up the work, and finished up last Thursday June 11th. My daughter graduated from high school (Amy- never made it to Midland for the antiques market and to meet you face to face because of that-perhaps in July) my son started drivers traning, and has had two minor fender benders :( Poor guy! Hopefully he passes :) I had two feild days to attend, 1 conference for work.......................well the list goes on and on. Like I said I was glad for the work, but sad because I had so many great plans for a new launch of treasures, and handmade goodies for the month of June.

So that is why I am blogging today. To let you all know I am back to doing what I love to do during the summer months. Creating, crafting, selling, blogging, and having FUN!

The picture above shows just a few of my newest handmade creations, and new found vintage treasures. They are in various states of "finishedness" and many of them will soon be listed on my Etsy Store sight-www.FrivolousWhimsy.etsy.com

I hope you like what you see, and please make sure to check back for more pictures of upcoming treasures and creations.

Glad to be back,
