I just love pink! Pink is go girlie, pretty,feminine, sweet, and shabby!
"Pretty in Pink"-not the movie with Molly Ringwald, but the name of this blog submission, in French-it adds well.................a romantic sound to "Pretty in Pink"!
I had this old train case I found in one of my travels, I painted it pink and then it sat on the shelf for litterally over a year. I came across it yesterday while cleaning my craft room, which had become completley over run with sugary, yummy crafty goodness :)
I had so many "extra" bits and bobs and goodies that I thought why not fill it to the brim with treasures and offer it for sale. So I hunted, and moved, and searched for just the right thingsto put inside it and now it weighs 8 POIUNDS-yep, 8 pounds full of yumminess!
I love it and would be so happy to get it if I was after that kind of thing right now, but I am not so I offer it up. The reason I wanted to share it here is because I just love how it looks filled. IN my spare time I take photographs (mostly of people) but every once in a while something catches my eye as "eye candy" or eye pleasing and this sure did! I did not use my professional camera on this, just my point and shoot digital I use for my pictures, but still it gives you the idea of how pretty this is. I think just as is would make a great display piece in a home.
Anyway, that is what I share with you today. a Jolie`aux Rose Train case filled with treasures!
Have a GREAT week!
Yummy eye candy!!